Poetry in the Prow
November 2018
Calgary's newest Public Library opened to fanfare and celebration. Part of the inaugural ceremonies included Poetry in the Prow, where patrons could sit down for a chat and a personal poem typed on a manual typewriter on the spot. What a thrill to be invited to participate in this momentous event!
From Rosemary Griebel, director of the Calgary Public Library:
"Dear Poets – Thank you again for being a part of the opening of our New Central Library. As Mayor Nenshi said: “This Library is a springboard of dreams; a place that will help us all dream bigger.”
I am certain that every person who spoke with you or had a personal poem created just for them is now dreaming a little bit bigger, whether it was the elderly women who had a poem written for her birthday or the child who typed her first poem on a typewriter. Your words have such power."