Poets Speak Back to Hunger: PoetryXHunger September 2021
It is such an honour to be participating in this project spearheaded by Dr. Hiram Larew from Maryland, an award-winning poet, advocate, and leader in the Arts and Poetry community whom I met virtually through one of the virtual reading series.
Planting Hope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVJHdIpVgao&t=43s
My poem Enough is included in the anthology both in print as an an audio file, and I participated in an international zoom on September 22, as well as various readings across the zoomisphere.
read it here: https://www.poetryxhunger.com/international-poets/poem-by-josephine-lore?fbclid=IwAR2CDWUv_tvkb5LHHP9kihLdXgtHlFO5FNkyleeb_8ccOoNPcPA5JxKrzDU
link to hear the poem read: end_hunger.m4a
In addition, I was invited to be part of the editorial board for their upcoming anthology.